
Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Basic Skincare: Skin Types ( Part I: Oily Skin )

We all know that how important finding out our skin type is. If you still dont know exactly your skin type, don't be afraid, i will share tips to help you recognize it. But let me tell you the benefits of knowing your skin.
  • You can choose suitable skincare product.
  • Your skin is always in good condition.
  • You know what you need or don't ( Do not trust to Advertisements on TV, what they want is your money/credit card...).

So, Let's get started. Basically, Skin Type is devide into 4 type: Dry, Normal, Combination, Oily. There will be some questions about "Sensitive skin", but in my opinion, Sensitive is just a problem that occurs on 4 skin types so Sensitive can be a skin type. Now, it's time to know more about your skin !

Oily skin:

Please ask yourself questions below. Congratulations if there are more than 2/4 "YES" answer.
  1. Do you feel your skin soft and comfortable (no tight feeling) after cleansing your face?
  2. After 1-2 hours after cleansing, do you see the shiniess on your face or feel greasy?
  3. Do you have pimples/acnes ? 
  4. Do you have blackhead on your nose?

Oily skin can make you feel unconfident because of pimples on your face, shining greasy face..But Oily skin still has its own benefits:

  • Your skin is more protected than another skin types.
  • Less wrinkles, less aging line.

I have oily skin before, so that's why i can share some tips to take care of it:

  • Cleanser, Toner, Serum, Mask, Spot treatment should have salicylic acide (0,5 - 2%)/ Sulfure/ Bezoyl Peroxide/ Clay/ ... in the product ingredients. Remember to check it on the label.
  • Don't treat too harsh because it will make everything worse. Please read the instruction carefully !!!
  • Drink enough water : I realize that drinking enough water (2-3 liters/day) can decrease the shining on your face.
  • Stay away from spicy/ fried/ fast food, they are very Yummy but Your skin don't love them ^^
  • Do not stay up late/ Sleep at least 6 hours/day

Very easy, right ?? haha I feel lazy now so I will seperate this topic into 4 part ( 4 skin types). If you feel the information I share is useful and interesting, please Follow me to read what I will post next. Love you guys so much. 

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